themes: cultural capital, self-referentialism, "bad taste"
also consider: farrah abraham, uffie, this spotify playlist


"the point of my work is to show that culture and education arent simply hobbies or minor influences. they are hugely important in the affirmation of differences between groups and social classes and in the reproduction of those differences." - bourdieu

as soon as a full video of the absolutely FACE MELTING BOILER ROOM SET (the peak charli experience just so we're clear) was beamed down onto earth, i knew in my spirit that any worry i had about this record being too self-serious with no food for thought — a thought process planted by a string of faux-progressive mass media [an inherently contradictory concept] being churned out lately, as well as charli's insistence on the faceless yet abrasive album cover being "a critique of society's need for access to women's bodies in album artwork" — had been quelled instantly.